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Friday, August 31, 2007


How to Save Money and Get Discount Automobile Insurance in New Hampshire

Most drivers in the state of New Hampshire are not required to buy automobile insurance of any kind. As long as a New Hampshire driver maintains an excellent driving record that driver may never need to purchase automobile insurance for his or her entire life.
Of course, if a driver finances a vehicle then the lien holder has the right to insist that the driver purchase liability as well as collision and comprehensive insurance, and most lien holders do just that.
Also, if a driver’s driving record is not clean, that driver may be required by the state to purchase liability insurance. For example, a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction will result in the state mandating three years of liability insurance. A second such conviction will increase that to five state-required years of liability insurance.
New Hampshire also has a somewhat complex system of points that can trigger the necessity of a driver purchasing liability insurance. The number of negative points that are needed to trigger the purchase of liability automobile insurance varies depending on the driver’s age.
Such things as speeding, running a stop sign or a red light, failure to obey the directions of a policeman, driving on a sidewalk and other such offenses add negative points to your driving record. Eventually these points can result in the state forcing you to buy liability insurance.
So while the state of New Hampshire does not require that all drivers purchase automobile insurance, the reality of the situation is that well over half of all drivers on New Hampshire streets do carry at least basic liability insurance.
Which brings us back to the question of how do you save money and get discount automobile insurance in New Hampshire?
First, keep a clean driving record. Whether you are forced to purchase insurance by the state, or whether you finance a vehicle and your lien holder requires that you purchase insurance, the amount of your monthly premium will go up or down depending on your driving record.
Young drivers, those under 25, can often save as much as 5% on their automobile insurance if they stay in school and maintain at least a “B” grade point average. Such students are often eligible for a Good Student Discount.
Older drivers, those 55 and older, can often save on their monthly premiums by taking a refresher driver’s course approved by their insurance company. Check with your insurance agent to see if your company offers such a program.
Probably the most dramatic thing you can do to lower your monthly insurance premium is to increase your deductible. The deductible is the amount you agree to pay out of your own pocket whenever there is a claim against your insurance. The higher your deductible the less your insurance company will charge you for your monthly premiums.
Now go online and find two or three websites that allow you to compare automobile insurance policies and their prices at a number of different insurance companies. Be sure to fill out the paperwork at more than one website so you can be sure of comparing all of the different companies in New Hampshire that issue automobile insurance policies.

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