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Monday, July 23, 2007


Low Cost Auto Insurance Here's How Young Drivers Can Get It

Hard as this may seem for some, you can get low cost auto insurance, because of or, in spite of your age. This remains true even if your age group is considered the highest risk. Furthermore, if you do not like the options that can help you escape the risk associated with your age group, you can take those that help you lower your risk factor. Anyway you look at it low cost auto insurance is something you too can get.
Unless a terrible road safety history proves otherwise, the 50 plus age group is seen as the lowest risk age group in car insurance. And, there's even more to it than just that. You can even get some special discounts from certain insurance companies just because you're a senior citizen.
But, for those who unfortunately find themselves in that dreaded (as far as car insurance in concerned) age bracket, getting married will help you get low cost auto insurance from most insurance companies. Funny as this may sound, it does work.
It is no secret that the highest risk profile in car insurance is under 25, male and single. Anyone who never went on a reckless ride with such a profile can be said to have never done such.
But once young people get married, they become more thoughtful. Having people who are your direct responsibility and the mere thought of not letting them down does wonders to your driving. This is what makes certain insurance companies reduce your rates accordingly once you get married even if you are still under 25.
Using your parents' car insurance policy is another option for you, an under 25. The fact that you are of driving age means that your parents belong to a lower risk age group.
There are two conditions that you must fulfill for this to be possible: The car must be registered in your parents' name and you must live with them. If you don't like the idea of handing the car's ownership to them and other stuff that may be attached to that, then you'll have to forgo this option.
There are too many ways you can get low cost auto insurance to be dealt with properly in a short article. It is well-worth it if you take out some time to research all the ways.
However, the sure process to getting low cost auto insurance is by obtaining as many quotes as possible and then comparing the whole lot to see which offers you the best rate. The savings we are talking about here could run as high as over $1000.
You'll spend a great deal of time if you want to locate all the necessary sites on your own. I've already done that and have my favorite sites for low cost auto insurance quotes.

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