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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Car Insurance Quotes - It's Time To Repeat The Process When

That getting multiple car insurance quotes is the way to realize massive savings in auto insurance is no longer a secret. What might be for some is how often they should get multiple quotes. Should you just repeat the process every month or every 6 months? There must be an optimum frequency. Yes, there is (or rather there are). Here they are...
You should do another comparison shopping on car insurance quotes sites when...
1) You buy a new car and need to insure it. It doesn't matter whether you already have none or five. Different insurance companies will offer different discounts for insuring more than one car, for example. Furthermore, the very car in question falls into a group as far as how expensive it is to insure is concerned.
2) When you change your residence. Do this even if you move to the next street. It may fall into another zone following auto insurance providers' mapping. And if it does, your car insurance rate will change accordingly. Insurance companies factor in how safe or otherwise a neighborhood is, the accident rate in the area and other location-based issues.
3) You alter your road use. This may be due to a change of job, retirement, health or other reasons. However, once your mileage changes significantly, you need to get new car insurance quotes.
4) Your credit rating improves. A poor credit rating does much harm to your car insurance premium -- You pay much more. Therefore, if you succeed in altering it for the better, get the most savings for it.
5) You get married. Marriage has a way of lowering your car insurance rates. This is because car insurance providers generally regard married persons as more responsible drivers.
6) You do a switch in your profession or occupation. There are favored professions as far as car insurance is concerned. You might have qualified for reasonable savings without knowing it.
7) You grow older. Typically, you should get new car insurance quotes once after each birthday. There are landmark years in auto insurance. However, if you don't know them all, you can avoid losing money by just going through the process after each birthday.
A general rule is: Get multiple quotes every time there's a major change in your car insurance profile. You can also get new quotes if you see a new insurance quotes site that you think may offer more savings.
These car insurance quotes sites will help you realize some more savings unless you've used them not too long ago...

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