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Thursday, April 26, 2007


Road Rage

Driving in the 21st century has changed dramatically compared to years before. Every year the amount of cars and trucks on the road increases by leaps and bounds. With the increase in new drivers come more accidents, more traffic, and finally more road rage.
It is almost a certainty that these things will continue to increase in the future, although we cannot stop it, we can however take certain measures to be well prepared. Traffic in the highways and streets have caused many to become violet and aggressive as they drive, otherwise known as road rage. Road rage can be seen in many different forms, here are some you should watch out for:
• Cutting your car off• Rude hand gestures• Profanity• Bumping your car• Hitting your window• Pursuing you home• Physical abuse
If you are an everyday driver it is not uncommon to witness any of these actions. In the event that you find yourself in the situation where someone is harassing you, either with their car or verbally, you should try your best to stay as far away as possible. Do not try to challenge them or fight back because you never know if they may have a weapon or might try to cause you harm. It is smart to take down their license plate number as well as the make and model of their vehicle and report it to the police. If they try to follow you do not drive home! Instead, drive to the nearest police station of fire station.

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